Concealed Weapons on College Campuses Essay - 3268 Words.

Essay on Concealed Carry on Campus Essay on Concealed Carry on Campus 1650 Words 7 Pages On April 16th 2007 at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute, a student with psychological problems began a two hour killing spree that left 33 dead (Reader).

With many states passing the open carry law, the topic of guns on campus has become a major issue; however, there are many reasons to why allowing guns to be carried on campus would not help prevent situations like these. A college campus is a place where individuals of different maturity levels come to learn and develop.

Concealed Guns On Campus Essay

Amanda had acquired a concealed carry permit for her gun, but the University of Nevada had not allowed concealed weapons to be carried on campus. This entire predicament could have been averted had Collins been allowed to carry her gun onto campus to defend herself when the need arose.

Concealed Guns On Campus Essay

The debate on whether college students should be able to withold concealed firearms on campuses, including dorms, libraries, and classsrooms has been an ongoing discussion. The Philadelphia Inquirer posted an article by Kathy Boccella called 'Student group pushes for right to carry concealed weapons on campus' discussing the issue.

Concealed Guns On Campus Essay

Since so many people can openly carry a handgun in restaurants and bars they should also be allowed to carry it on campus. Allowing Professors to carry concealed weapons on campus, it could potentially lower the number of victims and tragedies.


Concealed Guns On Campus Essay

Campus shootings across the nation are often times carried out with high powered weapons and tactical armor and a small firearm is no match for and assault weapon. The solution is armed security as in the case of Virginia Tech, Sandy hook Elementary, and columbine high school.

Concealed Guns On Campus Essay

Possessing firearms is a right to Americans under the second amendment and should not be infringed, but allowing maturing adults to carry them on a college campus is absurd.

Concealed Guns On Campus Essay

The Process of Application for a License to Carry a Concealed Firearm in Michigan 255 words An Evaluation of the Arguments of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus and the Possible Impact of Concealed Weapons on College Shooters and Victims 1,269 words.

Concealed Guns On Campus Essay

Essay Concealed Carry On College Campuses Concealed Carry on College Campuses On April 16, 2007, one of the deadliest shootings the United States has seen occurred on the campus of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The fatalities included thirty-two students and teachers.


Concealed Guns On Campus Essay

Authorizing concealed guns on campus would add disruptions during class time which will cause students to have nerves in class and not focus at their full potential. In fact, researchers have shown there are more guns present, there are more accidental gun deaths.

Concealed Guns On Campus Essay

Concealed carry weapons should be permitted on college campuses in order to give students greater protection to both themselves and to others, better prevent crimes by giving the predators the knowledge that the victims could be carrying weapons, and to give students the peace of mind knowing that they can protect themselves and others if a situation would arise where it would be needed.

Concealed Guns On Campus Essay

We Don’t Need Guns on College Campus, is an editorial written by USA Today (2015), justifying why college campuses should be free of any firearms. In the editorial, the writers use several tactics to encourage the readers to thinking more about concealed weapons on campus and how it could be bad.

Concealed Guns On Campus Essay

English 112 Guns on Campus I Introduction A Concealed carry policies creates a significant debate on whether to allow students to carry guns or prohibit concealed carry on campus B Campuses want to provide a sense of security with their staff members and their students.


Concealed Weapons on College Campuses Essay - 3268 Words.

Should Guns Be Allowed On Campuses Criminology Essay. 2816 words (11 pages) Essay in Criminology. SGFS’s essay also mentioned the main requirement to get a permit in 38 states that have a “shall-issue” policy for concealed carry permit is to pass a background check through the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS.

Essay Concealed Carry Of Concealed Handgun On Campuses Concealed Carry of Handguns refers to carrying a gun in public in a concealed manner. In concealed carry system, there are not any requirements that the handguns or any other weapons carried by a person should be visible.

A concealed carry permit should not be allowed for students on college or university campuses because it will make way for possibly more violence on college campuses. A concealed carry permit allows people who are qualified and trained to carry a weapon. Why do we want to put more guns on campuses when we are trying to avoid violence?

Essay on Concealed Weapons Should Be Permitted On College Campuses - Concealed Weapons should be permitted on College Campuses Gun-control laws are a very controversial topic right now in the U.S., especially when it comes to allowing concealed-carry holders on college campuses.

Kenton L. McGowen Abstract This paper will determine whether guns have a place on college, and school campuses. The conclusion that the paper reaches is that students who have guns will be tempted to use them, especially at universities and colleges that are full of drug use, stress, and anxiety.

Essay Should Campus Carry For College Students? said that a campus carry law is bound to be released for college campuses as soon as the year of twenty seventeen takes off. The approved law will allow all students with concealed carry license to bring guns into school grounds.

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